Authority Board

The Portland Area Fire Authority Board of Directors is made up of 6 members, two from each entity, and consists of one member who is an elected representative appointed by the entity, and one member at large who is appointed by that entity.

Mark Ackerson, Chair

Mr. Ackerson is a local business owner, and former firefighter. He represents Danby Township at-large.

Bill Stegenga, Vice-Chair

Mr. Stegenga works for a local farm implement dealer, and is a former firefighter. He represents Portland Township at-large.

Chris Jensen, Treasurer

Mr. Jensen works for a local utility provider, and is the Portland Township Supervisor, serving as the Elected Representative of his Township.

Kathy Parsons. Secretary

Ms. Parsons is a local business owner, and represents the City of Portland at-large.

Joel VanSlambrouck, At Large

Mr. VanSlambrouck is a local business owner and Portland City Council Member, and serves as the Elected Representative of the City of Portland.

Dan Platte, At Large

Mr. Platte works as an IT specialist for a local business, and is the Danby Township Supervisor. He serves as the Elected Representative of his Township.